Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Obama diet!

Another creation from my video editing suite:
President Obama gives us a demonstration on the nature of and the proper consumption rate of his favorite cuisine. Kids, you might want to leave the room. No disrespect meant towards the President, as I too enjoy a little fatty food once in a while. Enjoy.

Thanks to Fox Nation for featuring my video earlier this month: 
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Totally non-political: Incredible footage shows car smashing woman!

A Brazilian woman is thrown 20 metres in the air after being hit by a car, miraculously survives with only minor injuries. Completely amazing!

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Obama Podium Blooper!

The presidential seal falls off podium during Obama's speech at the 2010 Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit. Obama responds: "That's alright, all of you know who I am....but I'm sure there's someone back there that's really nervous right now."

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