Wednesday, June 8, 2011

DELTA AIRLINES Charging Soldiers returning home for Checked Gear?

Delta Airlines charged a group of soldiers (34) returning from Afghanistan a whopping $ 2,800.00 for their gear to return home with them on board their flight back to America.

Delta responded to the brouhaha on its blog, saying that, in addition to allowing active duty military personnel three free bags, it also allows each bag to weigh 20 pounds “over the standard allowance.” A later update to the post announced that, going forward, Delta will allow four free bags in economy and five in First Class and BusinessElite, all of which may be 20 pounds above the standard limit.
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The Weiner-Spitzer-Clinton Look!

Anger, disgust and sadness. Bad boys, bad boys, watcha gonna do when they come for you!
Clockwise from top left, Representative Anthony Weiner of New York, former Gov. James McGreevey of New Jersey, former Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York, former Representative Eric J. Massa of New York, President Bill Clinton and former Senator John Ensign of Nevada.

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Obama's car gets stuck at US Embassy!

Bullet proof!
Missile proof!
Curb proof? Didn't think of that one, did they!

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Lady Gaga "Born this way" Parody!

This singer/ songwriter saw X-men First Class over the weekend and was inspired us to write this song in parody of Born This Way by Lady Gaga.

I'm a mutant, not gay
I think God made a mistake
But I'm an X-man baby
I was born this way
Just hide yourself in our school

So you're born an X-man, what are you going to do about it? God doesn't make mistakes...everyone is born different, so don't make excuses. Honor God with your life (on His terms) and He will bless you beyond your wildest dreams.

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