Friday, February 11, 2011

Scenes from Tahrir Square: The Revolution Victorious!

Two hours after Hosni Mubarak, Egypt's president for 30 years, announced his resignation, the party in Tahrir Square - the heart of the revolution - was in full effect. A singer who has been performing in the square for days played a protest song on his acoustic guitar: "The people finally brought down the system."

Question: Where are the women and children?

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PJTV: Who Said Sarah Palin Wasn't Going to CPAC 2011?

"Is she for real? She is the number one "faux" of the left, not to mention the #1 foe of some 2012 Presidential candidates. A woman named Sarah Palin, stopped by CPAC to sit with Tony Katz. Hear what she had to say." PJTV

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CPAC: Rick Santorum Speech!

Santorum criticizes Obama for siding with protesters in Egypt, not believing in American exceptionalism and believing America is a sinister force.



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