DITTOS RUSH! Contemporary media musings with an emphasis on fighting truth decay.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
McCotter's not taking crap from Chris Matthews!
Congressman McCotter appears on Hardball with you know who, and does a fantastic job refuting Matthews. Four minutes into the clip Matthews asks: "Do you have your heart set on covering the uninsured?" He answers: "Republicans believe that allowing the market to increase supply + consumer driven patient centered wellness to reduce the cost will untimately bring down costs and make healthcare accessible to more people, more inexpensively." Matthews ingores this statement and then proceeds to blame Bush/8. McCotter responds: "Democratic senators blocked tort reform and association health plans". McCotter finishes with a great line: "I love you leftist view where everthing is free and we don't have to raise the cost....Americans don't want this......your arguement is with the American people, not Republicans!" > McCotter Floor Speech Opposing Speaker Pelosi's Government Takeover of Health Care back in Nov. 09:
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