Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Gov Chris Christie goes on Hannity!
ABC's George Stephanopoulos Admits: Obama's 'Press Hasn't Been Nearly as Bad as He Thinks'!
11 reasons NOT to vote for Democrats this November!
Here are some quotes from the 10-minute interview (with the benefit of hindsight – wow). And below, the full video:
• Her company – “It’s a very new start-up. We started working on it last month, and I was trying to figure out business model and trying to find my co-founders in New York.”
• About New York – “It’s a place where during difficult times and the crisis everyone comes together and says hey what are you waiting for let’s do it.”
• This exchange – Q: “What have you learned mingling with these other entrepreneurs?” A: “I’ve learned it’s a difficult situation for everyone. Entrepreneurship is all about solving problems.”
• About the people she met – “They were actually really useful in what they had to say…now I know where to go if I have something to solve.”
What Could You Get for $13 Trillion?
Shootin' skeet with S.E. Cupp'!
Breitbart On Fox Biz 6-29!
Oil Spill Timeline from RightChange on Vimeo.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Rep. Pete Stark Shows Open Contempt for Citizens Asking About Secure Borders!
The Congressman from California then strangely said: "You tell me, I'm not the government." An odd statement for a man who has served as a US Representative for the past 37 years.
Finally, for the money quote: "Our borders are quite secure, Thank you."
Courtesy: Breitbart
Obama not running for the border!
Another Joe Biden gaffe coupled with a mixed message!
Big Government Contributor Dana Loesch Discusses the 2nd Amendment on Larry King!
Mark Levin Pizza Party With Obama!
Kagan: I'ts Fine if The Law Bans Books Because Government Won't Really Enforce It!
"The biggest criticism I've seen out there is that you've never been a judge. Frankly, I find this refreshing. The Roberts court is the first Supreme Court in history to be comprised entirely of former federal courts of appeals judges. Throughout the history of the court, over one-third of the justices -- 38 out of 111 -- have had no prior judicial experience."
-- Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.)
"Ms. Kagan has less real legal experience of any nominee in at least 50 years. And it's not just that the nominee has not been a judge. She has barely practiced law and not with the intensity and duration from which I think real legal understanding occurs. Ms. Kagan has never tried a case before a jury. She argued her first appellate case just nine months ago. While academia certainly has value, there is no substitute, I think, for being in the harness of the law, handling real cases over a period of years."
-- Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Behind the scenes with Laura Ingraham!
Santelli Simple Answer to Government Deficit: 'Stop Spending, Stop Spending, Stop Spending!'
Jeff Sessions Opening Statement Blasts Kagan!
Lara Logan Explains how Rolling Stone Hit Piece on McChrystal was Journalistic Malpractice!
S.E. Cupp in "pink" on fiscal conservatism!
GE CEO collapses as Vice President Biden speaks at GE Applicance Park!
Bret Baier: Big loss for Democrats?
Time-Lapse Video of Gulf Oil Spill!
New Orleans adult clubs asking for BP Compensation!
FOX NEWS - Gearing Up for Troopathon 2010!
(Dittos Rush is also a proud sponsor)
Breaking Down the BP Shakedown!
Stecklerdog: Corruption watchdog!
Sarah Palin Protest at CSU Stanislaus!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Obama Can Shut Down Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers!
The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, which is being pushed hard by Senator Joe Lieberman, would hand absolute power to the federal government to close down networks, and block incoming Internet traffic from certain countries under a declared national emergency.
Lieberman wants to model the Kill switch for the internet after China. Lieberman said " China can shut down the internet, we should be able to do that too"! The US wants to be just like China.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Santelli, Kudlow: Obama-Style Bailout/Keynesian Economics Not Working!
"Oh my God, I feel like I just got off a roller's like when you got to write a report as a college student and you just try to jam as many quotes in as possible..."
(Eyeblast via Breitbart)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Al Gore reeling after sex-crazed poodle allegations!
United States
According to "National Inquirer" and other media reports, which were not willing to disclose the identity of the alleged 54-year-old masseuse, in October 2006 under the arrangement in the hotel and replace them with a pseudonym, "Mr. Shi Dong," admitted Al Gore massage.
Starting point for touch lower body force
When she massage to the abdomen, Gore asked her to continue down, rejected after furious, and took her hand and touch his groin. After the massage, caressing her chest Gore hip, and kissed her, pushed her to go to bed will also point was made almost forced through.
The woman, in a few weeks after the report that this was "totally stunned, worried about losing their jobs." According to the bill shows that massage starting from 11 pm that night, first section is 90 minutes, then immediately an additional 75 minutes. Gore paid a total 540 U.S. dollars (about 17,000 yuan NT), plus a two percent tip. Oregon prosecutors confirmed that, indeed, a woman reported that Gore was "inappropriate physical contact", but she was unwilling to accept the police interview, do not want to provide notice.
A Taiwanese news service NMA uses computer animation to re-create the allegations made against Al Gore.
Limbaugh on Christie: "People Need to Listen to This Man"!
Rush Limbaugh: "People need to listen to this man!" Gov. Christie wants to cut spending and reduce the size of Government! Democrats: In light of our current national debt, how can this possibly be a bad thing?
Paul Shanklin as Schwarzenegger in a radio spot for Ken Mettler(R)!
Marco Rubio on Scrapping Obamacare!
Need a Gulf oil spill tracker?
Obama sings "Oil on the water"!
Senator Gregg (R) calls in to CNBC's Squawk Box!
City Workers’ Union Calls for Mass Demonstrations In Atlanta!
Americans, when is the last time you received an annual pay raise? What would happen if "non-union" Americans also organized a mass demonstration in concert with these disgruntled union workers....are we not also worthy of a pay raise!
Governor Deval Patrick Reacts to Provincetown, MA School Condom Policy!
The policy, initiated by the public school district's health advisory committee, was approved unanimously by four members of the school committee on June 10, school committee chairman Peter Grosso said yesterday. The fifth member of the school board, Kerry Adams, was absent from the June 10 meeting.
"The thing is, sexual activity starts younger and younger," Grosso said. "We don't know what age that is. So we just said, 'We'll make it available to all of them.' We didn't want to pick an age, and I really don't believe we're going to get first-graders asking for a condom, as a practical matter."
Yeah, but what if first-graders DO ask for them as a practical matter? What if they also ask for drugs and alcohol to further enhance their sexual experience! Will you give them those as well?
What has happened to the adults in America?
Fortunately, Gov. Patrick objects to the Provincetown condom plan:
Democrat Hank Johnson: We Have To Pass This Bill To Make Sure Republicans Don't Get Elected!
Postcards to the troops!
Sen. Inhofe Says Efforts Against Global Warming Finally Paying Off!
He's been called an idiot, a climate killer, and one of the worst enemies of the planet, and it couldn't make Jim Inhofe more proud. To Oklahoma's senior U.S. Senator, the insults just validate his efforts to expose what he says are the lies and exaggerations of global warming alarmists. "Everything you found out in Climategate, on how they are cooking the science, I said in the Senate floor back then. Now I've been vindicated!"
Let's review what the Senator said a year ago, shall we:
Liberal Activist Compares US Border Patrol to the KKK!
It's a battle, folks!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Landrieu Warns Against Drilling Moratorium!
Democrats who previously opposed General Petraeus...
Remember when CNN's Paul Begala defended's right to run an ad criticizing his upcoming testimony to Congress about the troop "Surge" in Iraq:
…and remember when Democrats wouldn't apologize for's ad about Petraeus:
…and when NY Times gave a discount for a Petraeus ad!
…and when Bill Clinton condemned Republicans over the phoney outrage over the ad about General (Betray Us) Petraeus:
…and the cream of the crop: Remember when Harry Reid called General Petraeus a liar:
Well thanks to Algore's internet, the rest of America does also! And our remembrance will culminate this November at the voting booth!
Kenyan Dictator Obama: "Amnesty For All 20 Million Illegals By Executive Order!"
John Voight Speaks on Brett Baier Obama Interview!
I think he meant to say "stand and fight"!
California turning on Obama!
Harry Reid's Son Runs Away From Unpopular Father!
Problem is....he's still a Democrat!
Private Pautsch on McChrystal Resignation!
Surf On Pensacola Beach Boiling Like Acid!
Santa Rosa Beach, FL (June 23, 2010) The Walton County Health Department issued a health advisory this afternoon, following a report by the Walton County Emergency Operations Center of oil substances coming ashore along a six mile stretch of Walton County Beaches.
Video from a local resident:
"I don't know how well you can see this but if you listen closely you can hear the crackling sound of the gas bubbles popping and fizzing." The once white sandy beaches are now BLACK!
This is very sad folks!
Rolling Stone Reporter: A Rat in the Eagle's Nest?
Global warming in the bedroom?

Algore implicated in sex assault on Portland masseuse! Where has decency and civility escaped to in America?
PORTLAND, Ore. -- Vice President Al Gore was accused of repeated, unwanted sexual contact with a massage therapist at a Portland hotel room in 2006, according to police reports.
The woman told police she was "repeatedly subjected to unwanted sexual touching" in Gore's hotel room at the Hotel Lucia, according to the police report.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Nikki Haley - Fox Exclusive Interview - Tea Party!
"This President is an obamination!"
Gulf Residents Cheer Judge for Moratorium Decision!
Who’s Lying? McCain Backs Up Kyl!
Michelle Malkin at The Reagan Ranch Center June 18, 201!
Another Embarassing Moment from Congressman Hare!
Ann Coulter "Just Retire And Play Golf Full Time"!
Schwarzenegger meets Dmitry Medvedev!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
General McChrystal Explains Afghanistan!
Mobile Video Tapes Inc. (dba KRGV an ABC News channel 5) unpaid Agent of the Dictator Ahmadinejad in Suppressing Free Flow of Information and Censorship
Compare with President Obama's Surprise Visit to Afghanistan in late March:
....and the winner is?
Socialism: Another living, breathing reason to run as fast as you can away from it!
"I don't support Obama. If I did, I would be a Democrat," La Botz said. "I find it astonishing that people would think he's a socialist. He's given trillions of dollars to bankers, billions to General Motors, created a health care system that supports the health insurance companies ... his foreign policy is consistent with Bush's foreign policy. We should be fighting for full employment. End wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. We should immediately take over BP. What they own is too valuable and too powerful to be in private hands."
If that’s not scary enough, here’s La Botz, in New Orleans, Louisiana discussing the BP oil spill and what he believes the American people should do about it.
I am confident that the average American voter will see through the garbage this far left progressive is spewing! Unbelievably, he also believes that the current Democratic Party has veered to the political right!!!!! Good, this assumption will be his undoing! (Here’s the link, I can’t bear to see his face a second time!)
"Black and Unwanted" billboards cause controversy!
"The first thing I saw up there was "black" and then as I watched them roll it out and it said "unwanted." It just struck me raw," says McGehee. "We don't mean it to be offensive, we mean it to bring awareness..."
Labor Secretary Hilda L Solis Turns Blind Eye To Illegal Immigrants In Workplace!
Unbelievable corruption from yet another Obama appointee!!!!
Pursuiant to the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324 it is 'illegal' to both knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions and * assists an alien.
Scarborough lashes out at bloggers for reporting on Mika's use of talking points!
MSNBC Host Admits To Parroting White House Talking Points!
The Morning Joe co-host was repeatedly seen looking down and carefully studying written notes as she engaged in a debate with former GE CEO Jack Welch, an outspoken critic of the government's reaction to the disaster.
In response to each portion of Welch's analysis, Brzezinski poured over the notes and read allowed from the script in front of her, defending the government's response.
When it became blatantly obvious what Brzezinski was doing, Joe Scarborough jumped in:
Obama's Budget Director Orszag Plans to Leave Post!
Hispanic Exodus Out of Arizona!
"It's terrible, business is way down," says Bueno [translated from Spanish]. "There is no life here because of what is going on."
Close by: a bowling alley, an electronics store, and several restaurants. They're all out of business.
Monday, June 21, 2010
President Obama Dodging Media Scrutiny?
Sen. James Inhofe on Obama's "leadership"!
Do you fully support the Obama agenda?
White House: Obama Golfing ‘Does Us All Good, As American Citizens’!
And without any further ado, here’s a lesson in making a fair point and then taking it too far.
Here’s the beginning of the answer: “I don’t think that there’s a person in this country that doesn’t think their President ought to have a little time to clear his mind.”
MSNBC Host Admits Working with White House on Talking Points!
Lots of sharks, lots of oil seen off Alabama Coast!
Submerged oil at Bon Secour shoreline |
BP rig worker reported oil leak weeks before Deepwater Horizon disaster!
Liberals Criticize Obama's Oval Office Speech!
Missouri billboard impunes charismatic radicals!
"In troubled times, the fearful and naive are always drawn to charismatic radicals."
Latest Poll on Obama and The BP Oil Spill !
More tarballs wash ashore in Panhandle!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Chuck 'Em Out club!
Go to for more info.