I was at work every day at 6:30AM as I believe it is important for somebody running a complex organization to be disciplined in behavior...
I am not a political pundit, nor do I want to be one. just keep in mind, things change fairy quickly in the fifth -- the political process now. part of the 24-7...
Brian Lamb: There is talk about how right wing cable caused (the Arizona shooting). What is your take?
I think it was a lunatic who got hold of a weapon who created a terrible act and caused a lot of suffering. My view is we ought to focus on the victims and pray for their recovery.
The 24-7 news cycle creates a lot of noise and gives people the opportunity to scream….
I read the Bible every morning, (every morning, folks) and here I go again. I do get inspired by a religion and the call to serve others…
I believe in order to balance the budget now you have to grow the economy so tax revenues are robust…
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