"What Obamacare disaster will hit next? The website launch was a fiasco,
millions of Americans' insurance has already been cancelled, the
exchanges are still not working, and the enrollment numbers are abysmal.
Betsy McCaughey uncovers the next disasters Obamacare is about to
spring on an unsuspecting public, and shows you how to protect yourself."
Betsy McCaughey
Who is Betsy McCaughey?
Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D., is a health policy expert and the former
Lt. Governor of New York State. She has taught at Columbia University,
held academic appointments in health policy at the Hudson Institute and
the Manhattan Institute, written hundreds of articles for publications
such as the
Wall Street Journal,
New York Times,
Modern Healthcare,
The New Republic,
and received numerous awards for her writings. She has been featured on
ABC’s Good Morning America, the CBS Morning Show, 20/20, and many other
national television and radio programs. She is founder and Chairman of
RID—Reduce Infection Deaths—a national campaign to support greater
infection control in hospitals and other healthcare institutions.
Following are several insightful reviews by people who actually read the book:
- The author, in this well-written book, has performed a great service in
distilling the information in the Allowable Care Act and so palatably
presenting it to the public. She points out the many dangers and threats
inherent in Obamacare, which stands to revolutionize and compromise the
delivery of the excellent health care we have been expecting and
receiving over the past many years. She warns how Americans who receive
their insurance via the exchange plans may not have access to the top
health care providers by the well-known and highly regarded health care
centers of excellence such as Columbia-Cornell, Harvard University,
Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins and the like. In addition
there are many superb practicing physicians with whom I have Had the
pleasure of sharing my expertise and benefitting from theirs, who too
may be off limits to the exchange insured patients. As a physician for
over 50 years in New York City, I wonder how these institutions will
adapt to the reduction and qualitative changes in the populations they
serve. These institutions offer care to patients with difficult or
unusual conditions. I am pessimistic regarding the quality of care in
the future. Will Obamacare result in many high quality physicians
leaving these institutions along with their clinical.educational, and
research expertise? This book is very valuable and important to anybody
concerned about health care. Norman Sohn, MD
- This book helps the reader understand the difference between the
ACA--passed into law and upheld by the Supreme Court and Obamacare. This
administration has lawlessly changed the healthcare law with no regard
to the constitution. McCaughey has turned this book into a tool to not
only navigate the ever - changing rules, but also how to restore the
Constitution. As a small business owner, understanding regulations (that
seem to be ever-changing) is critical. Beating Obamacare is a must
- I bought Ms. McCaughey's first book, so I was not sure I needed this.
But this law has changed so much, - thanks to our President's own
actions, that the information in 2014 is totally different. Also this
new book has more strategies on what I - or any average Joe - can do! I
feel ready, in case my employer drops my coverage, which looks likely. I
may also lend this book to my Dad. He's on Medicare, and the first
chapter on Medicare cuts is truly eye-opening!
- I just got this book, so i haven't read it completely. But my wife and I
had a baby last year, and we really need information about health
insurance. This book looks great because it is so easy to read and is so
clearly organized. I never read political books. But this book is
practical. If you are looking for what all those labels mean - like
Bronze, Gold, Silver - you get a straight story here. And I am really
grateful for the section on Medicare. Both my parents need that
- Betsy McCaughey is one of the few in our country who has actually read
the entire Affordable Care Act. In her book, she provides information
and proposes solutions to problems that ordinary Americans are going to
encounter as this law is implemented. Her narrative is easy to
understand. I highly recommend this book to all who are interested in
understanding and preparing themselves for Obamacare.