OBAMA: (heckler shouting) E-e-excuse me! Excuse me! Excuse me, everyb'dy. (heckler shouting) Can me...? Let me just say this. (heckler shouting) Excuse me, young pe'ple. Excuse me. (booing) Let -- let me just say this. Yuh, uhh -- you know, these folks have been -- you've been appearing in every -- every rally we've been doin', and we're funding global AIDS (sic), and the other side is not. (heckler shouting) It would make a lot more sense for you guys to go to the folks who aren't interested in funding global AIDS instead of that rally.
RUSH: You can't find a more Democrat town than Cleveland and nobody showed up. Compare that crowd to the one in Bridgeport all ticked off about AIDS funding. Now last night in Arlington, Texas -- I think this, by the way, is not being talked about. People who saw this who also saw Obama over the weekend, believe me... People who saw George W. Bush before game 4 of the World SEries throw out the first pitch. Contrast these. There were no mom jeans. He wasn't wearing mom jeans, didn't throw like a girl. He didn't call where he was "Cominsky" Park. This is before Game 4 of the World Series in Arlington, Texas, the PA announcer introducing the former president..
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